Joel Lakene Luka

Position: Founder JL Kreative Solution
Phone: 08144822232
Membership: Executive
Profession: Creative Entrepreneur
Skills: Strategy, Public Speaking and Writing
Location: Nigeria

Joel Lakene Luka is a light to a major paradigm cutting across Medicals, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Faith.

He is the Founder of JL Kreative Solution Company , a Branding, Investment, Lifestyle and Technology Hub. He is a renowned Brand Strategy expert for Brand Africa – an organization whose main thrust is to provide solutions in Strategy, Processes, Change Management, Marketing and Sales Outcomes, and Coaching. He offers professional corporate training to organizations on topics across Entrepreneurship ,  Health and Business Leadership and Branding He is a life coach and skill development coach.

He is the author of the books, Don’t Waste Your Waiting, IN YOUR PAIN, IS YOUR BRAND, The Entrepreneur Mindset and others.


Joel, Lakene Is a creative currently on a journey of self awareness and purpose fulfilment. He helps young people discovered their God-given purpose, harnessing their potential, equip them for life’s journey, and walk in alignment with God’s ultimate purpose for life. He has trained & Mentored over hundreds of creatives, business owners and Students to create simple and strategic structures that simplify Businesses’ and processes. He is the founder of Joel Lakene Luka Foundation a foundation driven with the mandate to raise an exceptional breed of young people and leaders who will dominate their industry and lead life- Chang and transformational cause!


He is the Convener and Lead trainer of one of the biggest virtual conference Tagged: “Mastering Your Art” Where 336 people participate in the first edition.


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