The Art Of Maintaining Relationships: Why People Might “Unlike” You and How To Change For The Better – Alenu Ihotu Faith

Building and maintaining meaningful relationships requires more than just initial charm; it demands a sustained commitment to positive traits and behaviors. Much like online unfollows where individuals distance themselves from content that no longer resonates with them or outgrowing a once-loved dress, people can “unlike” individuals in real life if their actions no longer align with expectations i.e individuals can outgrow their fondness for someone if certain undesirable traits sufface. 

 Let’s look into the concept that individuals who admire you might choose to distance themselves if your character undergoes a negative transformation. Let’s uncover the importance of consistency in relationships and how cultivating certain qualities can contribute to lasting connections.

The Initial Attraction:

Much like buying a dress that initially appeals to you, relationships often begin with admiration for certain qualities which is often characterized by shared interests, common values, and positive traits. These positive traits serve as the foundation of any connection. It draws people together and create a foundation for connection. Acknowledging this initial attraction is crucial to understanding why people may choose to “unlike” over time. 

However, this initial attraction can fade if one party fails to uphold these qualities over time. Consistency becomes a key factor in maintaining the allure that brought individuals together in the first place.

The Unpleasant Transformation:

Relationship can be outgrown just as a dress loses its appeal if it no longer fits or suits the wearer.

However, it’s essential to recognize that certain persistent negative behaviors can lead to a shift in how others perceive you. Negative qualities such as disrespect, arrogance, or dishonesty can erode the foundation of a relationship, making people step back or distance themselves from friendships or partners that no longer align with their values or expectations all because of undesirable behaviors. 

Recognizing when a relationship has outlived its purpose is crucial for personal growth and well-being.

Rekindling Fading Connections:

For those facing a strained relationship, it’s never too late to initiate positive change. Rekindling fading connections involves sincere efforts to understand each other’s perspectives, addressing concerns, and committing to the consistent display of positive traits that initially sparked the connection. 

Self-Reflection and Adaptation:

Understanding the impact of personal actions on relationships and the need for change is the first step toward positive change for self-improvement. Engage in regular self-reflection to enable you to identify areas for improvement and consistently embody the positive traits that initially drew people to you. Reflect on the qualities that make you a good friend, partner, or companion, and strive to nurture these traits. Whether it’s communication skills, empathy, or accountability, actively working on becoming a better version of yourself, being kind and considerate goes a long way in maintaining likability. This willingness to evolve fosters personal growth and contributes to the longevity of such relationship.

The Role of Communication:

Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. The ability to express oneself clearly, actively listen, and understand the needs and concerns of others forms the bedrock of lasting connections. Open and honest communication is essential for addressing concerns and navigating the challenges that arise in any relationship. Clearly expressing expectations, discussing evolving values, and actively listening to each other foster a deeper understanding and reinforce the foundation of trust.

Put Yourself in Others’ Shoes:

Empathy plays an important role in sustaining relationships. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes allows for a deeper understanding of their perspective, fostering compassion and closeness. Acknowledging and validating others’ feelings creates a supportive environment that contributes to the longevity of relationships.

Building Trust:

Trust is earned through consistent positive behaviors and transparent communication. It is the cornerstone of any lasting connection. Regularly checking in with your friends or partner, expressing gratitude, and addressing concerns openly contribute to a positive relationship environment. Trust is fragile and must be nurtured over time, reinforcing the reliability and dependability that underpin strong connections.

Handling Conflict: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but how they are handled determines the strength of the connection. Rather than avoiding conflict, addressing it openly and constructively can turn challenges into opportunities for growth. Effective conflict resolution involves active listening, understanding different perspectives, and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Adaptability: Growing Together

People change, and so do relationships. Adaptability is crucial for growing together. Acknowledging that both individuals will change over time allows for a more resilient connection. Embracing change while maintaining core values ensures that the relationship adapts without compromising its foundation. This willingness to evolve fosters personal growth and contributes to the longevity of such relationships.

Respecting Boundaries:

Respecting boundaries is essential for maintaining a healthy balance between closeness and independence. Understanding and acknowledging each other’s need for personal space and autonomy contribute to a harmonious connection. It’s crucial to strike a balance that allows for individual growth while still nurturing the bond between individuals.

Apologizing and Forgiving: 

No relationship is perfect, and mistakes will happen. Apologizing sincerely and forgiving graciously are crucial for mending relationship rifts. Taking responsibility for one’s actions and showing genuine remorse paves the way for healing and rebuilding trust. Likewise, being able to forgive allows the relationship to move forward without lingering resentment.

Continuous Improvement: Nurturing Relationships Over Time

Understanding the impact of personal actions on relationships and the need for change is the first step toward positive change for self-improvement. Engage in regular self-reflection to identify areas for improvement and consistently embody the positive traits that initially drew people to you. Actively working on becoming a better version of yourself, being kind and considerate, goes a long way in maintaining likability. This willingness to evolve fosters personal growth and contributes to the longevity of such relationships.

Through self-reflection, adaptation, effective communication, etc individuals can nurture their relationships, allowing them to flourish and withstand the test of time. Ultimately, the art of consistency becomes a powerful tool for building and maintaining meaningful connections. Who knows, someone may even pop the question, ‘Will you marry me?’ – and I know you’d love that! 

This becomes a joyous culmination of a journey marked by unwavering commitment and mutual admiration.

So by understanding the dynamics of why people may choose to “unlike” one can actively work towards becoming someone others genuinely appreciate and want to keep in their lives.


Alenu Ihotu Faith
Show full profile Alenu Ihotu Faith

The Breathed Writer•Pastry Chef/Cook•Beverage Producer•Mindset builder/Advocate

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